Thursday, May 8, 2008

Oh My Apple Bottom

Lets just say that spinning is not for the weaker of bottoms. The class was great! I loved it. However, my apple bottom is bruised!! So, I did not run the tread mill, I opted for the elliptical yesterday instead. Mentally, the elliptical just seemed to be less threatening to bruised apple.
Will definitely do more spinning in hopes that the bottom adjusts, or at least molds itself, and begins to accept the seat!!

Caleb has been and is my cleaner. He likes to get a wipe and clean the front of my cabinets, or the floor, or the table. Not only does he clean, he then takes the used wipe to the trash. He is so proud of himself after a cleaning stint. After the wipe goes in the trash he gets a big grin on his face and yells "YAY!!!"- arms outstretched overhead. So, this morning he was getting a wipe to clean up, but he forgot one thing, to clean something. This time it was get a wipe (which he loves to pull out all the wipes and wad them back up and run away - so I stuff them back into the container) yell YAY! walk over to the trash and toss it in with another YAY!! I have since found all sorts of toys in the trash. We are out today to find a new trash can since the designers of this house left no space ANYWHERE for a normal sized trash can to be stuffed away somewhere.

So I mentioned in my previous post about Kev seeing a black bear on his way to the store .5miles from our house. Well, Monday we take the boys to the playground and on the way home we see another black bear! This time the kids were with us so we all get to see it. Seriously if the bear would have crossed the street he would have been less than .25 miles from our house!!! The wildlife here are emerging from everywhere!! Yesterday we see a moose seriously, next to our house walking through the yard, then on the way home from church we see another about 5-6 houses down!!! Crazy...

Thanks for all the sweet, very encouraging and supportive comments on my last post!! I am so blessed to have such great girlfriends!!!! Even though I am a zillion miles away, sometimes it seems like I have my girls right here with me in the arctic tundra!!! Thanks gals!


Brandi said...

Sounds like your apple has earned some much deserved rest...hope the elliptical worked out better than the treadmill!
Did I ever tell you about the time I came out of an outhouse (in Soldotna) and saw a gigantic moose walking right next to my door? I jumped back into said outhouse and waited a good five minutes until opening the door again to see if the coast was clear. Scared me to death!! By then the moose had crossed the street and was sniffing around the parking lot of the muffler shop, so I ran inside my brother's office to safety. Quite large when you see them up close. (And it was probably a good thing I had just used the "restroom" if you will.) hee hee
love, Brandi

The Griffith Family said...

How fun it has to be to be able to experience all the wildlife... you have to start carrying that camera EVERYWHERE!!!! Those boys aren't going to remember much about Alaska... so you must start recording it in pics too. I want more pics!!!

Courtney said...

wow. Sounds dangerous..I am jealous :)

Oh, and tag! your it..see my blog!

The Griffith Family said...

Hey Mary... you've been tagged. Go to my blog and read up...
Sorry I got ya- I don't have many friends that blog that I could tag instead.

Jillina said...

You are so right Caleb and William could not be more alike!! Mom came over last night and told me something about Kev asking about camping - I LOL!! I can not see my mom camping if you get her to go please take lots of pictures.

Jillina said...
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Ann said...

It gets better- your bottom, that is! I guess it gets used to it! It's never *great*, but it becomes more bearable!

Ha- *bear*able! I crack myself up.