Monday, April 21, 2008

No TV for a week?

Of all weeks to be TV-Turnoff Week??!!! That's right someone out there decided this week, when all the good shows return after the writer's strike, would be the best week for a TV strike. Actually, I get this. We all spend too much time in front of the tube. Reality TV, watercooler shows, etc. are still must-have's to be in the know. I am a fellow addict. I am so there on Tues and Wed's for American Idol. Rock on Jason Castro! Anyway, so it's officially "turn off your TV week" and I am in the throws of major diet/eating lifestyle overhaul, so I really want to participate in this corny spin off of all the other "just give something up for a _________ ". So, I will compromise with my inner nagger, and I will turn off the TV on Mon, Fri, Sat, and Sun. I will partially compromise my Tues, Wed, Thurs. After all, Grey's is back on Thurs!!
As I type the last sentence I realize how pathetic to get so excited over, yep, the TV. The rectangle box that causes me to be sedentary and go against what I have trying to undo - lack of activity. But, baby steps right? Gotta love tivo!


Anonymous said...

Ha! Nothing is going to be prying me away from LOST on Thursday! You can have all the other shows, but I am a serious addict :).

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kljackson15 said...

Now that hockey season officially ended last night, I guess I will probably go back to being a TV junkie. I'll be watching Lost and Grey's too!!!