Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Egg in the face

It's been one of those days. Everything is going fine, but you have that feeling that things aren't quite right. The day was great until about 3:30 and it started with the trip to Staples. Everything went fine in the store it is what happened outside that started the whole day going downhill like a snowball at warp speed. I was lifting Caleb and his carrier in the car to snap into the base. I've done this a zillion times. Instead of the car seat snapping in, my back decided to snap. I get this huge pain in my back and I am hoping it is just a quick spasm, nothing I can't deal with. So, I am in the car and it is hurting to sit down! Oh great. So, I drive home. My spine feels like it is going to snap every time I stand up or sit down. I get home and here go the phones. I am on the home phone, cell phone rings - sorry I have to go my other phone is ringing., now the home phone rings again, - gotta let you go it may be Kevin. Wrong. Cell phone is ringing yet again. The whole time Noah is wanting attention and if he doesn't get it willfully, he is going to find a way to get it. Caleb decides this is the precise time to begin a wailing match with his brother in order to see who is going to get mommy attention. My back is killing me and I am about to chunk all the phones out the window. I get out the heating pad, Noah please give mommy 10 minutes, I'll put on a cartoon. He is quiet for the moment. I decide to nurse Caleb to get him quiet and let the heat pad do its magic. Noah gets restless decides to leave. Oh great, I know something big is going to happen cause the cartoon is not the attention he is wanting. Caleb's asleep, aleve has kicked in, back is somewhat tolerable. Where is Noah? Oh, there he is on the couch in the living room, whew. Things are calming down, the snowball had slowed its pace until I see the kitchen. The kitchen has now become a place of utter destruction. The cartoon was not enough for Noah but a carton of eggs was. Oh yes, my 2.5 yr old hurricane thought a carton of eggs would be great for throwing around in the kitchen. The cabinets, floors, walls, and refrigerator was painted in a nice yellow/orange slime. The snowball is now on a steep downward slope going mach 10. I just finished cleaning up the eggs. Forgot to take a picture of the mess for the scrapbook, and sent Noah to his room to think about things (I just laughed at that last sentence). If I can only get through dinner. How many more days? 110, I think. Well, I guess that beats 120.


Cryssy said...

Awwww man, I so thought that the title was going to be figurative! I'm sorry. I'd call to check on you but now I'm afraid you wouldn't hear the phone with it twenty yards into the street! I'll send up a quick prayer for your back and your sanity.

Ann said...

YIKES! Praying for you...

kljackson15 said...

Wow - I don't even know what to say. Hang in there. Hopefully this is just one yucky day that will be followed by an abundance of easy, breezy days :)

JPJ said...

This will be one of the stories to remind Noah of when he has kids!!! I know this was difficult for you, but it is also a funny story.
Sounds like you need a gramma rescue--wish we could be there to help.

Jillina said...

Hey hope your feeling better today. How is your back? This is def a scrapbook story for both boys. :)

Mary J said...

The back is better today, just sore. Guessing it was a strong muscle strain. Noah got about 5 hours of playtime with one of his friends and they were able to wrestle and go wild. He needed it, and so did mommy!

The Griffith Family said...

Incidents like this just makes you a stronger person but in this case---MOMMY!!! Hang in there girl!!